There's a lot of talk about illnesses, viruses and cleanliness going on right now. You've heard it on the news and from local sources - wash your hands, stay home if you're sick, and if you're elderly or have a compromised immune system, you could be at higher risk.

While we pay attention to the world around us, here at Melrose, it's pretty much business as usual. Because we clean, sanitize, and stress the importance of hand washing and good hygiene every day, not just when there's a new health scare going around.
Visitors often comment on the cleanliness of our community. From activity rooms to bathrooms to common areas and dining rooms, our housekeepers use safe and effective sanitizing products multiple times a day - every day. During cold and flu season or in response to a potential threat like COVID 19, our sanitizing efforts are increased to help prevent any spread of illness. Surfaces are wiped, air sanitizers are sprayed, and frequent and thorough hand-washing is encouraged.
Year round, our community has hand-sanitizer dispensers as permanent fixtures thoughout the building. Staff and residents use them frequently, and reminders to wash hands (and how to do it properly) are posted, and our staff nurses provide in-person reminders as well.
As always, we stress the importance of staying home if you're sick. Staff or resident, we don't want anyone else catching what you've got - so stay home until you feel better. Visitors to our building are encouraged to do the same, and the CDC has advised older adults to consider avoiding large crowds. (Good thing our cozy community isn't a vast, bustling campus - but there's still plenty to keep you safe and entertained right here inside!)
Cold and flu season isn't fun any year, but add a new virus, media attention and quarantines to the mix and it can seem downright scary. While we at Melrose stress the importance of cleanliness, hand washing and good hygiene every day, we encourage everyone to step up their normal efforts during this time. Sanitize, wash your hands more thoroughly and more frequently, and keep to yourself if you're not feeling well. We'll all be enjoying a warm, healthy summer before we know it!
For official CDC guidelines and information, visit the Center for Disease Control website at