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Melrose Meadows

Sold in 60 Days: Surefire Ways to Prep, Primp and Plan for Your Big Move

If you were to make a list of some of your favorite things to do, we’re betting that “selling a house and moving to a new place” is not at the top of your list. Sure, it’s fun before and after, but that in-between can be a daunting, stressful and frustrating experience. Can be, we said. It certainly doesn’t have to be.

If you’re getting ready to downsize, you know that selling your home is an important step. But you may not know exactly where or how to get started. After all, most of us don’t buy and sell homes every day.

Fear not, friends. It is possible to get your home from zero to sold in 60 days. No matter when! No matter where! Whether you’re listing in the spring, summer, fall or even winter, there are things you can do to make your home as appealing as possible and easy for a buyer to give a resounding “yes.” Here are six of the top tips for getting your home on the market and sold, pronto – leaving you more time to get ready and excited for your move to your new home and new chapter of life.

1. Hire experts. The real estate market is incredibly hot in most places of the country, and you may be tempted to just sell your home yourself to save on additional fees. Hold up! Is that something you really want to do? Hiring a professional Realtor – and the team that comes with a Realtor – can actually help your home sell faster and for more money. They might already know somebody who’s looking for a home like yours! They’re professionals for a reason. We suggest doing your research and speaking to at least two to three Realtors to find one that you’re most comfortable with, and whom you think will do the best job for you.

2. De-clutter. Oh, everyone’s favorite step! If you have a large (or even not-so-large) home that you’ve lived in for many years, you’ve accumulated stuff. Lots of it. And in order to make your home show as well as possible, you’ll want to get rid of a lot of that stuff. (It’s also smart, because then you’ll have less you’ll have to move to your new place.) De-cluttering doesn’t mean throwing everything out and starting over again, but it does mean going through your items, room by room, and putting everything into one of three piles: keep, donate, trash. It also means “thinning out” the stuff in your rooms so that your house looks as large as possible (it also helps buyers move more easily around the space). This step can take months, so plan early!

3. Make repairs. This is another place where having a Realtor can help you – he or she can give suggestions of what you need to repair and what might be okay to leave. You’ll definitely want to fix all those nagging little details that you’ve been meaning to get around to fixing but just haven’t had the time (think of leaky faucets, squeaky doors or nicks and dings in your walls). Making little repairs won’t cost a lot of money, but they will make a huge impression on any buyer who comes through. Remember, you want to make your home look like it’s move-in ready and getting rid of those little imperfections will go a long way to helping buyers visualize themselves in the space. But do you really need to replace the flooring and all the light fixtures? This is another area where a Realtor can help steer you away from costly renovations that might not be necessary.

4. Clean it up. Once you’ve de-cluttered and repaired everything you want inside, get scrubbing. Nothing shows a home worse than a layer of dirt, so roll up your sleeves and get it sparkling. Wash the windows, launder drapes, shampoo carpets and rugs, dust shelves (yes, even the top of shelves), clean the baseboards and even shine your switch plates. Yes, it’s a lot of work. Yes, it’s totally worth it. If the thought fills you with dread, consider hiring a cleaning company to do a deep clean right before the home goes on the market. Save yourself the time, stress and sore muscles - the impression it makes is totally worth the cost.

5. Make a great first impression. What’s the first thing that buyers will see as they pull up to your home? The entrance to your home, lawn and landscaping. Curb appeal is huge, and as they always say, you only have one chance to make a first impression. Make sure the lawn is mowed, your landscaping looks fresh and clean (we suggest weeding and putting down a fresh layer of mulch), power wash the outside and add some cheery touches like a pot of flowers to your front porch. When buyers see your well-kept exterior, they’ll know that the inside is just as good, too.

6. Let there be light. One of the easiest and most surprising ways to put your home in the best light – pun intended – is to throw open those blinds and turn on the lights. Bright, cheerful homes make people feel more welcomed and excited. If those windows are dirty, clean them. Change all your light bulbs, add floor lamps to dark corners and open up all the curtains and blinds. It adds space to the whole room and makes everyone feel happier.

With a well-crafted plan, you can get your home on the market and sold as fast as possible. It’s also a great time to get yourself ready for your next move. While this can be a lot of work, remember to have a little fun – after all, you’re launching your next big adventure. And what’s more fun than that?

We can help put you in touch with trusted local Realtors if you're looking to sell your home and make a move! Give us a call, we're happy to help.

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